The Year of the Book

A year ago this month, I quit my job to stay home with my daughter and work on other pursuits. I dreamed of finishing one of the novels I started years ago and of building Boss of Words, Inc. into a successful company. It was a hard decision. I really loved the team I was working with and my subject matter, so if I was going to quit this great job, I had to make it worthwhile. Hence telling myself I’d write my novel.

One year out, no book. But Boss of Words, Inc. has built several websites and has written a lot of software documentation. Half a win?

As I reflect on the year, I’m content with the quality time I’ve spent with my daughter. It’s been a whirlwind and a pleasure to watch Juliet learn to crawl, eat, walk. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I would, however, trade the many hours lost watching Lost for hours spent writing. What a waste of time that was for such a letdown series finale. But I digress…

I’m declaring this the year of the book. I have several projects to finish up and still need to spend quality time with my daughter, but I have been plotting and planning (in my head) and am determined that by the time another year rolls around, I’ll have more to show for it in my personal writing.

Let the writing begin.

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