If a picture’s worth a thousand words, these should give you an idea of how much I love my BlackBerry:
Or maybe they just indicate how klutzy I’ve been or that my BlackBerry is one of little J’s favorite toys. A few bumps and bruises never hurt a cell phone, right?
I’ve been thinking of switching to an iPhone since it came out, but I’ve been reluctant to take the plunge, mostly because of the keyboard (and also that little problem with them not being available on Verizon until recently). There’s definitely something satisfying about clicking away on a BlackBerry, but the coolness factor of the iPhone is beginning to outweigh the BlackBerry love.
The problem I’ve always had with the iPhone is the “should I wait?” question. Should I wait until it’s available on Verizon (I did). Should I wait for them to work out the glitches (I have). Should I wait for the iPhone 5 (I’m not sure I can). The real question I need to ask myself at the moment is: will my trackball last?
We’ll see.
I feel the iPhone Love coming.